Private & Charter Yachts
Do you need a European Union flag registration that is valid around the world and is available to all nationalities? If yes, we can provide you with a Slovenian (Slovenia is a Member State of the European Union) flag registration. We can provide either a Private Yacht Registration and/or a Commercial Yacht Registration.
The entire process is simple and straightforward, as you do not need a Yacht Survey (if the boat is less than 24m) and can be done in less than two weeks if you supply us with the correct documents (if the boat is older than 1998 it should be needing a technical survey & measurement which could be conducted by the Croatian Ship Register anywhere in the world; if more than 24m it should be needing a technical survey by the Croatian Ship Register, which could be conducted anywhere in the world).
The needed documents to proceed are:
(a) copy of the current boat registration
(b) Deletion Certificate from the current flag
(c) original CE declaration of conformity (for the boat & engines)
(d) proof of ownership (either via Bill of Sale, Sale Agreement, commercial sale invoice
(e) evidence from the owner (either individual or body corporate). Any EU nationality (*) should be applying
(*) For non-EU owners, we could organize an EU body corporate to own the boat, which body corporate should be owned by the non-EU owners.
The registration for a PRIVATE YACHT is valid for five (5) years, whereas the registration for a COMMERCIAL YACHT is valid for two (2) years. For the second and subsequent years (for either private or commercial yachts) the only cost is that of the Radio license's renewal.
The following categories do apply (either for private or commercial yachts) under the Slovenian Flag:
06.00m up to 08.99m (length)
09.00m up to 11.99m (length)
12.00m up to 14.99m (length)
15.00m up to 23.99m (length)
over 24.00m (length)